Registered SMS

A registered SMS has been recognised as legal proof of delivery of a message to a customer. For businesses that need to send invoices and collect payments, this is a brilliantly simple solution.

  • Receipt of legal notifications is available immediately after sending
  • Registered SMSs are recognised by the courts as valid communication
  • An audit trail is created for all messages sent

Registered SMS provides a smart solution for the reliable delivery of important documents.

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What is a Registered SMS?

A registered SMS provides secure, reliable delivery of important messages to a mobile handset. The content along with the send and delivery times are all tracked and recorded, and a certificate is issued to confirm this.

It’s a fact that people today keep an email address or phone number longer than they remain at a physical address. This means that a registered SMS is more likely to reach the intended recipient than registered post.

SMS communication enjoys a high open-rate and reliable delivery, making registered SMS an excellent tool to stay on top of invoices and payments.

Track and Record Communication

Communications are easily tracked via a user-friendly portal and integrated into your own CRM or other business processes for simple and accurate record-keeping.

The General Rule
As a general rule the law recognises ‘data messages’ (as they are called) such as SMSes as if they were in ‘written’ form. As section 11(1) of the Electronic Communications and Transactions (ECT) Act puts it: “Information is not without legal force and effect merely on the grounds that it is wholly or partly in the form of a data message.”
~ Bregman Moodley Attorneys

Registered SMS services are vital for all important communication in your business

Partner with Cellfind and experience these benefits.

  • Send letters of demand that are legally recognised as valid communication
  • Distribute invoices and statements securely
  • Communicate information on payments or unsuccessful transactions
  • Enjoy registered communication that is 95% cheaper than standard registered mail
  • Integrate with your own systems for accurate record-keeping
  • Make use of a single, user-friendly dashboard to monitor all communications
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